Collection & Assistance To Ukraine First Half 2024

A Heartfelt Journey of Support and Solidarity
From January to June 2024, Nordic SOS Ukraine has continuously conducted collections to support those affected by the war in Ukraine. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our donors, we have collected large amounts of clothing, shoes, bedding, kitchenware, furniture and much more. With the donated funds, we have also purchased essential hygiene products, towels, duvets, pillows, food, diapers, and other necessary items. Every month, these valuable donations have been delivered to the organization Ukrainahjelpen v/Klippen in Sandnes (Norway), which has ensured their transport into Ukraine.
Additionally, we have supported Ukrainahjelpen v/Klippen with monetary donations that have covered the costs of renting trucks for transporting the supplies to Ukraine. We have also contributed to the purchase of a new van necessary to deliver humanitarian aid to the hardest-hit areas at the frontlines in Ukraine. In total we have been able to transfer 27000 Norwegian kroner to Ukrainahjelpen v/ Klippen during this period - thanks to your donations!
We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed with both money and equipment. Without your support, this work would not be possible. Nordic SOS Ukraine will continue its tireless efforts to deliver aid to Ukraine. The war rages on, and our goal is to help as much as we can – every contribution counts.
A big, heartfelt thank you to all who make our work possible. Together, we can make a difference!
For more information and photos from our projects, please visit our website:
Photos on this page:
Every bit of help brings hope. Let's keep the flame of solidarity burning bright!